From Our Ears To Yours: Observations from a Miller DSM (Pat Groth; Western Iowa)
Pat Groth from Harlan, IA has been in the seed business for over 35 years. He has spent the last few years as a Miller Hybrids DSM. The following are some brief observations from this tenured seedsman. A process that usually takes place in a rigorous 4-6 days in my sales area turned into…
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From Our Ears To Yours: Observations from a Miller DSM Mike Terpstra; Sioux Falls, SD (part 2 of 2)
Soybeans were a split story: Northwest areas of my territory soybeans fared well in the cooler temps and consistent rains that usually aren’t present in June/July/August. The farther South East I went soybean yields stayed average or so, unless there was the faintest history of white mold. Especially heavily manured fields saw extremely yield inhibiting…
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From Our Ears To Yours: Observations from a Miller DSM Mike Terpstra; Sioux Falls, SD (part 1 of 2)
My name is Mike Terpstra and I am the DSM for Miller Hybrid’s NW Territory. I cover SE north Dakota, western MN, Eastern SD, NE Nebraska, and a small amount of NW Iowa. Travelling that distance gives me a very unique perspective on growing conditions and events farmers faced in 2019. My area is unique…
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Miller Hybrids’ M09-01 “Flexes” at ISU and FIRST Trials
Although Bob Miller didn’t enter a high number of his hybrids in the 2019 ISU and FIRST Trials, two of them came to play. M09-01 Conventional placed 2nd at Glidden, IA in the ISU early season, central district plot. It yielded 266.3bu/acre which was 21.1bu/acre above the plot mean. This same hybrid also took 4th…
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Miller Research
Miller Hybrids research is conducted under tough conditions to allow the identification of hybrids that can tolerate the stresses that are typical in your fields. In 2019 we have 5 main corn research sites involving approximately 85 acres and 1800 hybrids. Over half our acres involve 8-row plots with the middle 4-rows harvested for yield,…
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Comments & Concerns on Crops
This has been a year filled with tremendous opportunity to raise a very good crop of corn, but also a year that will yield disappointing results in many fields or parts of fields. As I walk through fields and predict dramatically different potential results in adjacent areas, I am seeing the need to improve…
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